Charlotte Subak

Branco Lab

Charlotte is a rising junior at Mount Holyoke College, where she is pursuing a double major in Biology and Environmental Studies, with a certificate in Marine and Coastal Science. She grew up in New York City and has always been curious about the natural world. At Mount Holyoke, Charlotte is an active member of the Varsity Hunt Seat Equestrian team and works as an Admissions Fellow. This summer, she is excited to be researching natural and nature-based shoreline features in Jamaica Bay with the Branco Lab. Prior to BUEE, she was an Environmental Support intern at the Sea Life Bray Aquarium where she worked on multiple marine conservation initiatives. She also gained experience with wildlife conservation volunteering on a wildlife reserve in South Africa. In her free time, Charlotte enjoys hiking, reading, and SCUBA diving.

ePortfolio Posts

Private: Branco Lab Research Data Kirsten Ivins

Spartina Statistics Analysis – Stem density

West Pond Data and Analysis – Percent Cover Data

BUEE Sediment Calculations and Data – Elevation Related to MSGS

Posted in Branco Lab, Charlotte Subak, Kirsten Ivins, Research, Tiasha Dey | Leave a comment

Private: Branco Lab Poster Kirsten Ivins

BUEE 2024 Poster

Posted in Branco Lab, Charlotte Subak, Kirsten Ivins, Posters, Tiasha Dey | Leave a comment

Private: Individual Development Plan Charlotte Subak

Individual Development Plan Charlotte Subak

Posted in Branco Lab, Charlotte Subak, Individual Development Plan | Tagged | Leave a comment