Tony Wilson
Evolutionary Biology, BUEE PI
Our lab integrates studies at a wide range of both temporal and spatial scales in an attempt to identify general factors responsible for the generation of natural biodiversity in aquatic systems. We study a number of different freshwater and marine model systems using a combination of field, laboratory and experimental approaches to investigate how selective pressures contribute to the evolution of reproductive isolation. Studies on natural populations are complemented by experimental work in a large marine husbandry facility in which we can explore how environmental variation both promotes and constrains adaptive evolution.
Our lab integrates studies at a wide range of both temporal and spatial scales in an attempt to identify general factors responsible for the generation of natural biodiversity in aquatic systems. We study a number of different freshwater and marine model systems using a combination of field, laboratory and experimental approaches to investigate how selective pressures contribute to the evolution of reproductive isolation. Studies on natural populations are complemented by experimental work in a large marine husbandry facility in which we can explore how environmental variation both promotes and constrains adaptive evolution.